1. Weight Loss
The first one is pretty obvious, and it's probably what you've been measuring the most. On October 29th, I weighed 193 pounds. I'm down to 181 as of this morning. At my heaviest, I weighed 200 pounds. So, I'm definitely happy with the direction I'm going here. My weight loss is slowing considerably, but if you've been keeping track of what it means when the scale slows down, you'll know I saw this coming. I'm not fussed. Stay the course!
2. Food Conservation
You heard me right. Hey, with the time I put into my meals, not to mention having to create new recipes with exotic ingredients I've never used before and spent some $$ on, I don't throw anything away! Left overs get eaten or shared and nothing goes in the garbage!
3. Quiet Mind
Someone mentioned in Hungry for Change that the "fog will lift." I'd say that's accurate, but for me it was something more. There was this sense of peace. There was an emptiness of mind. The anxiety declined and there was still space in my head. I'd drive in my car and think of nothing. It was glorious and the first real change I noticed and celebrated, even above the weight loss.
4. Reduction of Food Intake
I remember the first time I used the air fryer (this is mine - love it). I was wildly excited to be able to combat one of my biggest cravings (french fries) with a healthier alternative. I put a small potato in (again, no sense in wasting food if I did it wrong). When I had my home made fries in front of me I couldn't finish them! And I hadn't just eaten or anything. The truth is, I get fuller a lot faster and am hungry a lot less. Like, so stuffed I can't eat another bite. Remember those personal pan pizzas that Pizza Hut used to do in the 80s for reading books? Well, My pizzas are about that size, and I can only eat half of it. I have my theories about this (research-based of course), but I'll address those a different time.
5. "What's eating me" comes flooding in.
Back to Hungry for Change, and Kris Carr reminding us that it's not just what we're eating. It's also what's eating us. Once I stopped "eating my feelings," there was nothing to mask my problems in life. So, I had no buffer against the things that were eating me! This is where the safety plan comes in. Buddy, you're going to need it once you fall off the Pink Cloud, so consult it and your therapist.
6. Aches and pains
I used to hurt every morning. Every morning. Hot shower required just to get moving. Even with the serious seasonal changes we've been suffering, those are gone 90% of my days. That's a big deal for someone living with chronic pain since 2003.
7. BMs
Yep. We have to talk about poop. Sorry, but excrement is a big indicator of how your body is handling things. Not only do I seem to pee constantly now (not retaining near as much water), but I'm, um, going regularly. Like daily. Sometimes more than that. And, well, my poop don't stink. And while that's awesome, it's also a little weird? So, enough about poop.
8. Alcohol consumption
This has gone way down mainly because my tolerance has disappeared. I mean gone. I mean one 5oz serving of wine will get my loopy, not an American serving. So I'm consuming less alcohol too. Much less.
9. Overnight sleep patterns
This was obvious fairly quickly too, but I'm sleeping hard at night now and able to return to sleep without as much of a struggle. This is a big deal for someone that was dealing with regular insomnia.
10. No naps
I have taken 2 naps in the last 30 days. Prior to the last month, I would feel like I wasn't going to be able to get through my day if I didn't have a rest. I was taking them with my toddler. Now I'm just getting more done. That's a welcome change. I was starting to feel like an old woman, and I'm way too young for that.
11. Reduced caffeine
I already wasn't much of a soda drinker. Still not. But coffee, at least one a day, was a regular for me. Now I don't drink it every day, and usually less than half a cup. It probably helps that I haven't been visiting Starbucks at all, and I drink other warm drinks like chai tea now.
12. Sexual urges
Can you say "horny teenager?" My husband pumps his fist in the air and says "whoo hoo!" But yeah, it's like my sexual impulses were buried under a layer of fat. Now that I'm dissolving it, I'm time traveling back to 1998. It probably helps a lot that my confidence is skyrocketing as well.
13. Improved mood
I do seem to have increased patience for things. That probably comes a lot from the empty mind syndrome. However, please don't let that confuse you, I'm definitely also suffering from....
14. Mood swings
Almost doesn't make sense, right? Let me just clarify. There are a lot more upswings than down. And my mood swings are usually out of lifestyle frustration (Thanksgiving was rough). When I'm not mentally throwing a fit about the human-food lifestyle, I'm fairly pleasant.
15. No more migraines
I was a regular migraine sufferer. Not headaches. Like, lights off, no one touch me, tears squeezing out my eyes migraines. Particularly during season changes. I haven't had one since changing my diet. That's a BIG FREAKING DEAL.
So there are some interesting changes going on here. My weight loss has slowed a lot, but I'm feeling good and stable at the moment. I did have a strange relapse dream last night. I'll have to cover the regularity of relapse dreams that are in addiction recovery, because that's a real thing. Maybe in my next post.
If you're at your one month mark, post a comment and let me know how it's going!