Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Where the @*()$*! Have You Been, Jess??

Okay, yeah. I was a real jerk-a-holic and went of the grid for a year. Almost. In addictions that's usually because someone went hardcore off the wagon and is back in system. Keep your faith, dear reader, because Jess has gone from 200 pounds to 155 - 160 pounds, which I've been maintaining since March of this year. In reality, my life was just super busy. However, I was speaking with another mental health professional today and was reminded of this project. It's not at all that I've lost passion for it but that I didn't have the time to juggle this blog. But I'm re-committing, friends. At this point in the blog, it's actually future friends, as I have no real readers. This matters not. If only one person needs this support, I'm here to give it. I think mental health professionals should have a hippocratic oath which says that:

If only one person needs support, I'm here to give it.

I stayed very dedicated to a hard-core abstinence plan for six months. Did I relapse? Of course. We talked about this.  However, like we talked about, dear Reader, I made adjustments and moved forward. I've been maintaining this weight since March 2019. Would I like to lose 10 more? Of COURSE. But That just makes me normal. My diet is sustainable and reasonable. I'm happy. Not just with my weight.

All those things I referred to in my 30-day check in? Still true. Less pain, better functioning. Happier me. Life is still life. Fixing my diet didn't change the world, but it did change my world, and that's all I was really asking for.

In my time away, I've been developing professionally. I have more information for you, coping skills, stories of others that have been through this and thrived. We're still on this journey together. More to follow, my friends.

If you're struggling with self harming or suicidal thoughts, please reach out to the Suicide hotline (1-800-273-8255). Always feel free to use our chat or 7 cups just to have someone to talk to.